Welcome to the

Omni Dimensional Mystery School

Laurie Reyon & Master Cat Puddah


  • Whale & Dolphin Energy Light Medicine School


    BEGINS APRIL 27, 2025

    Certified Practitioner Training

    2025 is the sixth year of this training being made available to the public. I will be sharing the work of 24 years, which includes, channeling and the wisdom and templates given to me from the Great Cetaceans.

    The training you will receive in the Whale & Dolphin Energy Medicine School will teach you multiple levels of Core Level Healing processes, guided by the consciousness of the 13 Great White Whales, the Councils of the Humpback Whales of Planet Earth, the 12 Ascended Dolphin Masters, as well as the consciousness of the many species of Dolphins.

  • Animal & Interspecies Communication Summit


    SATURDAY & SUNDAY, MAY 10-11, 2025

    Would you like to know ways to communicate with your Animal Companions?

    Have you wanted to KNOW more about WHO the ANIMALS really are and where they are from before coming to Earth?

    The Animals would like to Share with YOU on their Origins and their Species.

    They ALL have very important Missions and desires to assist Humanity.

  • Sacred Sites, Stargates, and Star Family Retreat

    JUNE 10-12, 2025

    In beautiful Sedona, Arizona and
    the Grand Canyon South Rim


    JOIN US for an Original and Powerful RETREAT!

    Sedona & the Grand Canyon in Arizona have several Sacred Sites - places that carry deep significance. There are many spectacular natural wonders and rock formations there that hold various cultural beliefs and have Spiritual meaning.

    This RETREAT will connect your Spirit to the wonders of the Natural World, Mother Earth and the Elementals.


  • Dragon Communication & Wisdom

    Workshop with Laurie Reyon & Seth, Master Cat Puddah

    In this MASTER CLASS you will meet and communicate with the DRAGONS of CREATION from the Orion System.

    We will revisit the Dragon Channels created by Judith K. Moore.

    WE WILL MEET the SEVEN DRAGONS OF CREATION. We will Invoke the DRAGON by using our Breath & Toning their NAMES.

  • Manifest in 2025 with Solution Energy

    Workshop with Laurie Reyon & Seth, Master Cat Puddah

    In this Workshop, we will explore the teachings of Seth and Abraham regarding powerful Manifestation techniques and the use of the Law of Attraction. Solution Energy is always available to everyone in every situation.

    To align your energy with your desires, you need to understand the process of bringing your thoughts, feelings, and actions into harmony with your desires.

    When you’re in alignment, you’re vibrating at the same frequency as your desires, which makes it easier for them to manifest in Your life.

  • Inter-Galactic Star Family Summit


    Discover Your Galactic Lineage & Connect To Your Star Family

    Do you Want to Remember Where You are from before coming to Earth?

    Do You Want to Communicate with Your Star Family?

    Explore Your AKASHIC RECORDS. This is the JOURNEY of Your Soul in Every Lifetime.

Now Featuring - Monthly Replay Special

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Click to View

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Now Featuring - Monthly Replay Special . . . Click to View . . .

  • What an incredible four weeks we have had with Laurie Reyon and the Whales and Dolphins as we were introduced to the New White Whales and the New Light Body Activation Templates. I am noticing myself making profound positive shifts in my relationships and feeling inspired to share myself and my work newly.

    -Candice B.

  • I feel positively transformed. The activations and meditations are extremely powerful. Each time I do them, I deepen and enhance my experience. I especially enjoyed the time jump where I experienced myself in a lifetime as a dolphin! You are a gifted and beautiful Soul.

    -Elena T.

  • I am eternally grateful for the help I’ve received working with you and the dolphins and whales!!! My health has improved so much and it’s all because of the work with you and our friends! It brings tears to my eyes. The resources I used to have these sessions was the best money I’ve ever spent on my health! After decades of trying different resources, working with you has brought me the most impressive healing!

    -Karen K.

  • I want to thank you again for your help with Argus. He felt so good today—he acted like a puppy! He was so happy. Hazel came over and they played together like I’ve never seen. There was so much love between them. It seemed different. I can’t thank you enough. We’re all so relieved to see him enjoying life. You and Puddah are very special. This feels like a miracle.

    -Susan M.

  • "Laurie and her partner Puddah have such a deep, soul connection to the Whales and Dolphins that it never ceases to amaze me how the wisdom coming through is always so spot on. The heart-based love that Laurie offers and teaches is world-changing, and if anyone is wondering how they can work with the Whales and Dolphins, then Laurie is the best guide for this."

    Lauren Galey - New Earth One Network

Our Story

Laurie Reyon & Master Cat Puddah

In 1994, Laurie Reyon suffered an accident with complications and ultimately experienced a radiant near-death experience during which she actually died for six minutes. 

She subsequently lived in Baja Mexico where she began interacting with the local dolphins and whales, being taught their wisdom and writing their stories and prayers.

Master Cat Puddah is a Being of Ascended Master energy. This Soul has incarnated into the body of a cat five separate times during Laurie Reyon's life and continues to work in sacred partnership through their telepathic connection.

Master Puddah has brought Reyon many gifts; including wisdom, great healing, remembrance of her star lineage and the gift of telepathy. 

Master Puddah was instrumental in teaching Reyon to speak telepathically to the dolphins and assisting her in becoming a “voice” for the Dolphins.


Whale & Dolphin
Energy Light Medicine School


Now Enrolling - Reserve Your Place

Readings • Consultations

Healings & Clearings


Laurie Reyon & Master Cat Puddah Speak


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Ascension Guidance - Living In Your Sacred Heart

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