Akashic Record Consultations
The Akashic Records are the individual Records of a Soul from the time it extends from Source until it returns to Source.
At the time we make the decision to experience life as an independent entity, there is a field of Energy created to record every thought, word, emotion, and action generated by that experience. That field of energy is the Akashic Records.
The information in the Akashic Records helps us bring our past and our future into our present.
By accessing the Akashic Records we can identify and release anything that we have created that has become a block to our present realization of our oneness with God/Source.
We can look at why we have addictive patterns, why we choose the relationships we do, why we have created our habitual responses, and how to create action in our lives instead of re-action.
The healing energy of the Akashic Records allows us the freedom to choose Grace in all things, overriding any illusion we have created that causes us to believe we are separate from God/Spirit/Source.
An Akashic Record Reading is one of the most powerful tools available on the planet today to help us remember our oneness with God/Spirit/Source.
An Akashic Records Consultation can answer why certain things have happened in your life and how those circumstances fit into your total picture bringing grater clarity to your life purpose.
1 Hour (60 min) $155.00
1.5 Hours (90 min) $233.00
2 Hours (120 min) $310.00
Payments for sessions are made in advance.
Pay with a credit,debit card, or Paypal
Send a check to Laurie Anderson
3412 Las Vegas Drive, Oceanside, CA 92054
When payment is made Laurie Reyon will contact you to make an appointment for your session.